API Deployment

Deploy the API to Openshift

  1. Install CRD

This part will be generated using kubebuilder, which requires Go v1.16+.

To use a prebuilt image, follow the below steps:

cd apis/report
make install
make deploy IMG=quay.io/operate-first/curator-crd
cd ../..

If you would like to build CRD from scratch or you made changes to the apis/report source code, then follow the steps:

cd apis/report
make install
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/<project-name>:tag
make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/<project-name>:tag
cd ../..
  1. Deploy the HTTP API

kustomize build apis | oc apply -f-

3.1 Download raw Koku-Metric-Operator reports for given time frame

oc port-forward $(oc get pods -l=app=curator-api -o name) 5000:5000
curl -XGET "http://localhost:5000/download?start=2021-08-22%2003:00:00.000000&end=2021-08-22%2004:00:00.000000"

start and end parameters will be cast to PostgreSQL timestamp. Therefore multiple formats are supported.

Downloaded report follows similar structure of a Koku-Metrics-Operator uploaded report.

├── <start>-<end>-koku-metrics.0.csv
├── <start>-<end>-koku-metrics.1.csv
├── <start>-<end>-koku-metrics.2.csv
└── <start>-<end>-koku-metrics.3.csv

3.2 Create a sample Report by defining the parameters

  • reportingEnd: Required, RFC 3339 Datetime.

  • reportingStart: Optional, RFC 3339 Datetime.

  • reportPeriod: Optional, String. One of Day, Week, Month. Report period N = 1, 7, 30 days.

  • namespace: Optional, String. Show report for namespace only. If omitted, show report for all namespace.

Method 1: Time frame report

Provide parameter for both reportingStart and reportingEnd. (reportPeriod will be ignored if provided)

Result report contains raw CPU and memory metrics for time frame [reportingStart, reportingEnd) in project namespace (if provided).

# apis/report/config/samples/batch_v1_report.yaml
apiVersion: batch.curator.openshift.io/v1
kind: Report
namespace: report-system
  name: timeframe-report-sample
  reportingStart: "2021-10-25T00:00:00Z"
  reportingEnd: "2021-10-26T00:00:00Z"  # prevents Reports targeting future time
  namespace: koku-metrics-operator

Method 2: Standard daily, weekly, monthly report

Provide parameter for both reportPeriod and reportingEnd.

Result report contains raw CPU and memory metrics for the past N days until reportingEnd (including reportingEnd) in project namespace (if provided).

# apis/report/config/samples/batch_v1_report.yaml
apiVersion: batch.curator.openshift.io/v1
kind: Report
namespace: report-system
  name: daily-report-sample
  reportingEnd: "2021-08-26T00:00:00Z"  # prevents Reports targeting future time
  reportPeriod: Day
  namespace: koku-metrics-operator

Create one of the two Reports above you just defined:

oc project report-system
# Using project "report-system" on server ...
oc apply -f apis/report/config/samples/batch_v1_report.yaml

Access the Report by identifying Report by name and namespace it was created. For example, to access daily-report-sample on namespace report-system:

oc port-forward $(oc get pods -l=app=curator-api -o name) 5000:5000
curl -XGET "http://localhost:5000/report?reportName=daily-report-sample&reportNamespace=report-system"